Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy New Year has a whole new meaning!!

So, on January 1, 2011 we set out to help some dear friends serve the homeless in Dallas, I thought...that's a great way to begin the new year..serving others. I had it in my mind that I could somehow help them with this endeavor. They have a grill and were partnering alongside a ministry in Dallas called, Hands & Hearts ministry. So we went out there, it was a little cold that morning, but my heart was ready to serve and to start the new year off right. I showed up and saw a group of people serving and working like clockwork to help those in need. They gave a ticket to everyone who entered into the "serving area" and they were allowed to get one item at first, a blanket, coat, shoes, and everyone received daily needed things along with as much food as they had to serve. We served oatmeal, and the team cooked fajitas on the grill brought by our good friends. I spent most of the morning visiting with the people and hearing their stories. Stories that would break your heart, stories that put a name and a face to the people we see everyday living out in homelessness. One lady in particular Brenda, shared her story with me, she has been out on the streets for about 5 years..has no living family and no income, but has two dogs. Because of her dogs she cannot stay in shelters so she lives literally on the street with her dogs. Some of us may not understand that, because we only see through "homeful" eyes. But her dogs is all she has, if she were to give them up it would mean hopelessness to her, being homeless has not put her in that state yet. Another woman I met, ( I cannot remember her name..shame on me) has only been homeless for about 5 months. She lost her job of 15 years about a year and a half ago, lived with a good friend until she lost her job too..and then had nothing so her options were to go to shelters. She shared how most of her life she was judgemental of people like "me" thinking come on get up and do something. She shared how sometimes that theory is correct, there are people doing drugs, not trying to better their lives but most of the time that is not t he case. She had some medical issues and was unable to take care of herself and now, she is being blessed by ministries in getting the care she needs. Her goal is to be back on her feet sometime this year. She said God has humbled her, it took her becoming "one of them" for her eyes to be opened, she wants to one day be able to come and serve like we were doing that day. Wow! I met many people, touched many hands, prayed many times, that day. Over all I just kept hearing..Happy New Year. This is how all of those being served there that day were greeting us. Happy New Year, it is embedded with hope, hope to a young man on the street, looking for a new year to bring new opportunties, for a family man to be able to go and and support his family, new hope for a young man who had just got a job at a appliance store and hopes to be off the street soon. A new year brings hope to everyone, all of us need it..hope that is. There is a verse in scripture that reads..."Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" (HEB 11:1). Sometimes we are that "unseen" hope for people, we are His light that helps bring hope to others. My challenge for myself this year is to not only look to meet the physcial needs of others through service, but also to meet the spiritual need of faith. Matthew 11: 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Join me in making this not only a Happy New Year, but also a Hopeful new year to many!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

So this weekend was Sharefest, where our church "leaves the building" and goes out and serves all over the county/city. We had several projects @ local schools, organizations, nursing homes,cemetary, homes that needed repair, children's home, and many more. I have loved this ever since I heard about my "home church" growing up doing it many years ago, where you come together to serve and love on the community you live in. We don't do it for notarity or to try and get them to go to "our" church, we just do it because we love God and therefore love them and want to help. We had the honor of going to a local elementary school where many projects took place, there was landscaping and planting going on all over the school, a courtyard that was cleaned up, washed over with a power sprayer, and given a facelife with some new umbrellas, some beautiful plants and fresh paint on doors and the gym. We put phrases picked out by the school on their windows, a painted a USA map out on there concrete behind the school for teaching purposes and to have fun. We had people there to cook food for all those serving and those being served. It was amazing! The staff at Christie was so supportive and many came and helped out with the work. There was much more done there than just projects, it was a way to look at a people group doing sooooo much to love and teach our kids, and say HEY we notice..we see it..we appreciate it...we appreciate you for how you serve our community...we love you...and showing it through the work of our hands and feet was how we did. What a blessing it was, and this multiplied by so many projects over the city. I for one can't wait to hear all the stories out of "one day", I know those who served were blessed just as much if not more than those serving. I love the people of Ethiopia, of Haiti, and those all over the world, but it feels good to "love where you live" God places each of us where we are for a reason. I know I need to get out more and love on those around me. It's such a beautiful picture of the body of Christ, coming together to take care of each other. Looking forward to going out and serving again.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wow, well we are back from Ethiopia and all in one piece- I think. Atleast physically that is. Coming back from a place like Gondar, there is a part of you that is forever changed and yes a piece of you stays there. It was a great trip with many highlights that I will share over the next days, but I think the piece that sticks with me the most right now is the opportunity for change. As you drive along the roads and go out to the villages you see a land of milk and honey, miles of farming land and beautiful scenery of green, and yet around the corner our lives tokened with disparity and poverty. This is my third trip there and I seem to find out something new about the country every time. I never cease to be amazed at the children and their contentment with what they have. At the schoolyard, they play with a soccer ball tethered for who knows how long, barely staying together in a circle, yet entertained and full of joy to be playing together. At this time of year, as Thanksgiving approaches, I am reminded of not the things that separate us, such as(homes,jobs,miles,material things, abundance) but the things that unite us, the need for friendship, for love, for security, for life, abudant life, one God) As I was in Gondar one evening outside a hotel overlooking the city, I could hear whispers of the people in Gondar "living" conversations of families, of laughter, of tears..I was reminded of the song You're the God of this city, your'e the king of this are..and He is..I for one am thankful this Thanksgiving for who He is, that He is victorious even when things feel at loss, let's all be reminded He is the King! Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

On a Mission

Well, we've been praying about this for quite some time, and the time is almost here. Yes, headed back into Ethiopia to serve the people in Gondar through e3 Partners and Chase Oaks. I am so excited to be going in this time to provide help through wheelchair distribution. The other day we met together as teams and I saw for the first time the wheelchair we will be taking with us-thanks to all your generosity in helping make this happen. The thing that excites me the most is having the opportunity to love on the people in Ethiopia, to be able to provide for some of the most needy people there in Gondar, "legs" to view there surroundings in a whole new way. How exciting is that. We will also be providing eyeglasses for people to give them a new opportunity to read. Along with that Aids awareness and just offering hope to the people there. So please continue to pray for us as we prepare to go. I am asking God to prepare my heart in what he wants to teach me, in how He wants to use me and our team, and for the people we will have the opportunity to meet-that they would meet God. I am once again so thankful for God allowing me to live into the passion He has given me to go....